How to overcome the problem of having careless mistakes in tests and exams?

How to overcome the problem of having careless mistakes in tests and exams?

It is one of the most frequently asked questions by my students and parents.

“My child knows everything but he/she makes too many careless in test/exam. How to avoid making so many careless mistakes”

“I could do the questions but made careless mistakes. Is there anyway to help me?”


My suggestions are:

1) Make sure your concept is correct

I always believe that when one’s conceptual understanding is solid, he/she will not make silly mistakes.

This is why I always spend quality time on explaining concepts every tuition.


2) Check your answer using alternative methods

During lesson time, I like to encourage student exploring alternative approach to solve the same question.

As long as the different approaches are all correct, the answers obtained should be same.

Make full use of one question, we can apply concepts from many chapters, by solving it using different approaches.


3) Apply Polya’s problem solving techniques

In 1945 George Polya published the book How To Solve It which quickly became

his most prized publication.

In this book he identifies four basic principles of problem solving, which made him known as the father of problem solving

I will discuss the techniques in details next time.


To grasp better knowledge and skills in the subjects as well as see improve in examination results, it is important to cultivate the habit to check each step in daily study and practice.

TutorChen: - Future Academy founding tutor - Top tutor in Mathematics and Physics - Ex RGS teacher - Ex MOE teacher